Episode 187: The Cartier Killer


It sounded like a new age of crime. We’ve all heard of jealousy being the motivation behind murder but this was a bit different.

She was jealous that Naomi was a bigger “influencer” than she was. She hated that she was getting all the love, the likes, the follows. She was going to put a stop to it. Her brilliant plan? Have her own boyfriend assault Naomi so that she would be too traumatized to work ever again.

The plan spiraled out of control and Naomi ended up murdered. But this case is far from simple. The boyfriend was the son of Cartier’s Chairman in Asia. As new information came out - people found themselves changing their minds nonstop. Did she really kill out of jealousy? Did she even know?

Full Source Notes: rottenmangopodcast.com

Source notes:

https://www.ettoday.net/news/20200408/1686277.htm https://www.ctwant.com/article/189401 https://news.ltn.com.tw/news/society/breakingnews/2483579 https://www.ettoday.net/news/20170620/949384.htm https://www.thenewslens.com/article/62982 https://news.ltn.com.tw/news/society/breakingnews/1996658 https://www.setn.com/News.aspx?NewsID=234336 https://www.setn.com/news.aspx?newsid=232631

https://www.setn.com/News.aspx?NewsID=229829 https://news.ltn.com.tw/news/society/breakingnews/2106000 https://ent.ltn.com.tw/news/breakingnews/2133270 https://news.ltn.com.tw/news/society/breakingnews/1992559 https://www.setn.com/News.aspx?NewsID=230621 https://www.mirrormedia.mg/premium/20200326pol011 https://gotv.ctitv.com.tw/2022/06/2145994.htm https://www.setn.com/News.aspx?NewsID=229795

DISCLAIMER: Some links are listed in the source material but the material may never be discussed in the podcast, If there are un-verifiable sources (ie Reddit) - they are typically referred to as un-verified sources, opinions, and or theories in the podcast and not treated as fact.


Episode 188: The Dark Life of a “Sex Trafficker/Pimp”


Episode 186: The Middle School Library Rapist