Episode 186: The Middle School Library Rapist


He called it the “bear cave.” He liked the sound of it. Bears were unassuming predators… that kind of sounded like him.

Inside his “bear cave” there was a desk, an inviting yellow beanbag, and of course it was filled with snacks and sodas.

Don’t forget his hidden condom box, a stack of porn magazines, and pillows hidden in a box that said “Christmas decorations.”

The only really odd thing about his “cave?” - it was in the library of a local middle school.

The teacher had been using it to sexually molest and rape dozens of middle school students.

Full Source Notes: rottenmangopodcast.com

Source notes:

Book: “Secret Lessons” - by Charles Bosworth Jr. & Don W Weber

(This book will have your blood boiling - I honestly don’t even know what to say. It’s well researched, well written, but the subject matter is incredibly dark and infuriating.)



DISCLAIMER: Some links are listed in the source material but the material may never be discussed in the podcast, If there are un-verifiable sources (ie Reddit) - they are typically referred to as un-verified sources, opinions, and or theories in the podcast and not treated as fact.


Episode 187: The Cartier Killer


Episode 184: The Tiger Mom Killer (Case of Yuan Xi Tang)