Episode 56: Mommy Needs Money Murders (Case of Ellen Boehm)


Ellen could hear her 8 year old daughter splashing around in the bath with her barbies. Thankfully her son was fast asleep - another long exhausting day as a single mom.

But what if things didn’t have to be this way? Ellen calmly walked over to the bathroom, plugged in her hairdryer… and threw it in the bathtub where Stacy was playing. Plop.

Source notes:

Book - “Sleep, My Child, Forever” - John Coston

^Please be warned - this is one of the very few books on this topic BUT it includes an immense about of unnecessary body shaming against the real life people they’re talking about… strange.





DISCLAIMER: Some links are listed in the source material but the material may never be discussed in the podcast (I just wanted to list them because they gave me a deeper picture of the case in full). If there are un-verifiable sources (ie Reddit) - they are typically referred to as un-verified sources, opinions, and or theories in the podcast and not treated as fact.


Episode 57: The Kidnap Kit (Case of Becky Watts)


Episode 55: The Killer Kitty (Richardson Family Murders)