Episode 310: She Tracked Down Her Brother's Killer Through Facebook


There were 5 people “trapped” on the boat, and 1 of them was a serial killer in the making. By the time the boat came back to shore, two people would be dead. They would have been mentally and physically tortured for two days straight.

The serial killer would play games with the two victims. He wanted to torture them not only physically and sexually but also mentally. He wanted to pit them up against each other and make them fight so only one could live.

The thrill of seeing them naked and terrified begging for their lives was euphoria for him. The worst part is - he would get away with all of it.

Book: “Dead In The Water” - by Penny Farmer

Full Source Notes: rottenmangopodcast.com

Book: “Dead In The Water” - By Penny Farmer

Podcast: “Paradise” - by BBC








Production Note:

Rotten Mango has not done original reporting on this case. The stories are based on existing material (listed in show notes).

The RM team works hard to make sure everything you’re listening to is as accurate as possible and we try to use multiple sources to verify the facts. Creative liberties may be taken in certain cases during the presentation of the case. Please email us at rottenmangop@gmail.com if you have any questions!


Episode 311: Top K-Pop Stars Opened a Night Club to Drug & Sell Women to Overseas Investors


Episode 309: She Went From Ivy League Student to Having IQ of 6 Year Old - Jealous Evil Classmate?