Episode 297: Viral Video of Filipino Teenager “Taunting” Victims Leads To Double Murder


The mob was forming outside the 13 year old’s house. They were there day and night screaming her name, cursing, and some just silently crying. She was the most hated person in the Philippines right now.

A video was circulating of the little girl pulling the hair of a woman moments before her murder. She asked the woman - “do you know who my dad is?”

Her dad was a killer and he was about to commit a double homicide right in front of his teenage daughter.

Full Source Notes: rottenmangopodcast.com

https://elibrary.judiciary.gov.ph/thebookshelf/showdocs/2/2925#:~:text=Purpose%20of%20this% 20Act.,enhancement%20of%20the%20cultural%20traditions.

https://fb.watch/jX_2V5_jAl/ - Nuezca’s neighbors causing scene at the Nuezca residence https://www.gmanetwork.com/news/topstories/nation/769051/frank-gregorio-s-widow-pained-by- 



https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/article/get-the-backstory-on-dutertes-war-on-drugs-as-icc-gre en-lights-investigation-into-philippines-killings/




https://www.rappler.com/newsbreak/fact-check/jonel-nuezca-tarlac-house-burned-down-by-neig hbors-tarlac/?cx_testId=2&cx_testVariant=cx_1&cx_artPos=1&cx_experienceId=EX4CPN0G1R JL#cxrecs_s

https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/police-impunity-shows-no-signs-of-abating-in-the-philippines-i nquirer

https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/se-asia/execution-style-killing-of-mother-and-son-by-off-duty-c op-sparks-outrage-in-philippines



Production Note:

Rotten Mango has not done original reporting on this case. The stories are based on existing material (listed in show notes).

The RM team works hard to make sure everything you’re listening to is as accurate as possible and we try to use multiple sources to verify the facts. Creative liberties may be taken in certain cases during the presentation of the case. Please email us at rottenmangop@gmail.com if you have any questions!


Episode 298: Daughter of Diplomat Found Beheaded In Nepo Baby’s Mansion


Episode 296: Two Sisters Dead After 12 K-Drama Directors’ Sexual Assault & Torture