Episode 349: Teen Went On “Truth Telling” TV Show To Win Money, Told 18 Personal Secrets, Then Was Murdered
Ruth just wanted to tell her boyfriend the truth. It’s not like their relationship sucked - he was just fine? He was kind of smart? But he lacked ambition. He was just a taxi driver… and… well she did have another big secret she was hiding from him. It was finally time to come clean.
Bryan wasn’t expecting it to hurt this much. It was bad enough to hear the love of his life had betrayed him… but to have it happen so publicly?
Bryan looks up and sees rows and rows of people staring at him. He could feel their pity radiating in the air.
He glances around - the cameras are all trained on him. Recording his every move and every facial expression.
Soon, millions of people will see the most embarrassing moment of Bryan’s life. Bryan, along with Ruth’s parents, found themselves on the reality TV show “Moment of Truth” set. They were sitting there listening to their beloved Ruth share all her deepest, darkest, secrets. The ones she had been hiding from them.
And one of them would get her killed.
Full Source Notes: rottenmangopodcast.com
Ruth Thalía’s Episode
Transcripción: La concursante - Radio Ambulante
Summary of the story by an English-speaking YouTuber
Ruth Thalia Sayas Sanchez | Killed Because of a Gameshow?!
Summary of the story by a Spanish-speaking podcaster who added a lot of background information about Ruth Thalía.
A podcast about the case in English
Bryan Leiva – True Crime All The Time – Podcast
Ruth Thalía on the show “The Value of truth” / “El Valor de la Verdad”
El valor de la verdad - Ruth Sayas
The show
Polygraph information
Polygraph | Punjab Forensic Science Agency
The cold facts: REAL figures of polygraph test Accuracy 2024
Peru’s minimum wage
What is the minimum wage in Peru?
News from the day Ruth Thalía’s body was found
Hallan en Jicamarca cuerpo de exconcursante de programa televisivo
Very complete summary of the case that included a lot of exclusive background information on the victim
About Peru and its culture
Traveling to Peru without speaking Spanish
Language data for Peru - Translators without Borders
About Huancavelica (languages, poverty, life)
Pobreza: ¿Cuáles son los regiones más pobres en el Perú? | RPP Noticias
Huancavelica: Menos del 50% de personas habla quechua y 7 de cada 10 usa jergas
https://centroderecursos.cultura.pe/sites/default/files/rb/pdf/Cartilla Huancavelica 2020.pdf
Peru - Culture, Cuisine, Traditions
The night she disappears, a game is being played
Peru 1-1 Argentina (Sep 11, 2012) Game Analysis - ESPN
Missing people in Peru and the US
Desaparecidos en el Perú: los peruanos que no volvieron a casa | El Comercio
Timeline of the crime
Peruvian reality show contestant slain after TV confession | CNN
Pérou : elle participe à une émission de télévision, son petit-ami la tue
Caso Ruth Sayas: cronología de un crimen que nació en TV
Mother’s statement about when she went to Bryan’s house + about the confession
La confesión del asesino de Ruth Thalía Sayas: “La drogué y maté a golpes”
Bryan confesses
La confesión del asesino de Ruth Thalía Sayas: “La drogué y maté a golpes”
Bryan is examined by doctors
Peritos revelan examen del perfil psicológico de Bryan Romero | RPP Noticias
Ruth Thalía’s mother is attacked by Bryan’s stepfather
Madre de Ruth Thalía Saya es golpeada por padrastro de homicida confeso | RPP Noticias
(Facebook post by her sister Eva)
Hermana de Ruth Thalía Sayas pide garantías para ella y su familia
Beto’s statement
Beto Ortiz realiza autocrítica tras asesinato de Ruth Thalía Sayas | RPP Noticias
The trial
Beto Ortiz: asesino de Ruth Thalía pidió dinero tras programa
Peru’s legal system
Nosotras no olvidamos a Ruth Thalía, tampoco a sus verdugos - Mano Alzada
La confesión del asesino de Ruth Thalía Sayas: “La drogué y maté a golpes”
Ruth Thalía Sayas hace milagros según sus padres | El Popular
Paper about the case
Texto i - Ruth Thalia - Comprensión Lectora
Production Note:
Rotten Mango has not done original reporting on this case. The stories are based on existing material (listed in show notes).
The RM team works hard to make sure everything you’re listening to is as accurate as possible and we try to use multiple sources to verify the facts. Creative liberties may be taken in certain cases during the presentation of the case. Please email us at rottenmangop@gmail.com if you have any questions!