Episode 163: Horrors Inside Aston Hall Mental Hospital (Child Experiments)


Truth serum. It has quite the dark history.

The CIA tested the heavy sedative on suspected criminals, murderers, and terrorists. They hoped it would even the smartest spies to - well, tell the truth.

It would be hard to imagine a world where truth serum was tested on children on a large scale. But it happened.

In Aston Hall Mental Hospital a sick, twisted, depraved doctor hand picked young girls to experiment it on.

He would have them admitted to his hospital where he pumped them full of truth serum and violently assaulted them. He filmed it all. And the truth took a very long time to come out.

Full Source Notes: rottenmangopodcast.com

Source notes:

Book: “The Hospital” - by Barbara O’Hare

(I truly don’t even know if there are words to describe how touching and devastating this book was. The book is so well written, with so much emotion, you almost feel trapped inside Aston Hall with Barbara. You feel her fear. You feel her uncertainty. The story and book just lingers with you for such a long time. It’s haunting, devastating, depressing, and horrifying. But somehow Barbara leaves you with the tiniest sliver of hope in humanity that you don’t cry yourself to sleep. I truly recommend this book)

Book: “The Asylum” - by Carol Minto

(An incredible read. It really makes you question humanity… and I felt so many emotions while reading this one. Sadness, anxiety, fear, revulsion, disgust, and gratefulness that I was home with my loved ones while reading. It was such a humbling and empowering story.)










DISCLAIMER: Some links are listed in the source material but the material may never be discussed in the podcast (I just wanted to list them because they gave me a deeper picture of the case in full). If there are un-verifiable sources (ie Reddit) - they are typically referred to as un-verified sources, opinions, and or theories in the podcast and not treated as fact.


Episode 164: The Conspiracy of The Mountain Devil (Case of Hiroo Onoda)


Episode 162: Social Media Murder of Sisi Wu